JCP Journey : Part 1 - "An Email & Facebook Messages"

I did the interview above last week where I recapped the JCP Journey and it so much fun to look back. So I decided to create the JCP Journey Series, where each week I'll recap where this all started and how we got to where we are today.

Part 1: Emails & Facebook Messages

Aug 9, 2014

I saw a post on Facebook from a friend in Japan about how she would love some Chippies right now.

"I can do that", I think to myself!

I email my friend Chris about the idea at 1:39am

What I didn't remember until now, was that I didn't go to bed after that. I compiled a list of 40+ friends and family living abroad who would be interested. Sending an intro message to 15 that morning to which 2 replied that night that they would be interested. 😯

This alone was a big deal for I've tried other ventures and didn't get anyone interested. 

Part 2 will touch on The Blog & The First Order !

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